Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Color Soothes

Dear Friends,
          It is easy to find ourselves influenced by surrounding color. Traditionally greens, blues and purples lend to having a soothing effect. The same holds true this month as a few designers have chosen to use calming palettes in their design.  

      Myko chose the book Aquamarine. Indicative of her style, she once again has embraced beauty and sparkle. Fresh sprinkles of aqua are abundant throughout her design. Touched with a hint of the ocean her story comes alive. Filled with vintage flair, the vignettes are spectacular.

             Nancey chose the literary Classic, Anne of Green Gables, a very fitting choice. Her ability to display garden architectural elements, furniture and accessories is one of her greatest design attributes. It is so apparent in her fabulous vignettes this month. The entire space is filled with vintage garden treasures. Incorporating green in the most incredible variations of patina. 

            Julie chose the book Lavender and Old Lace. Inspired by the title, of this very old book, she embraces the beautifully romantic combination of lavender and white. Fresh flowers bloom in the background of vintage wrought iron. Incredible rare purple leaded glass adds reflection. Perfectly aged hues of lavender accent pieces mixed with crisp linen and warm wood tones anchor this perfectly designed setting. To spend an afternoon tea here would be delightful.


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