Monday, May 14, 2012

Destination Found Event Sneek Peek

Dear Friends,
     Can you believe we are only a few days away from the Re-grand opening event Destination Found at Sweet Salvage? This is beyond my wildest dreams. The Sweet Gang has been working tirelessly for weeks now and the finishing touches are being put in place. I am amazed at the designs this month. It is truly a trip around the World. I thought today I would share some vignettes as they are evolving, listing the designer who created them. This is only a small view in to the new Sweet, remember 5000sqft my friends 5000! Let me tell you it is packed with Fabulous. I will post more tomorrow. Enjoy.


Sweet Kim
Sweet Heather

Sweet Stephanie

Sweet Robert
Sweet Julie

Sweet Sandra

Sweet Steam Punk

Sweet Jackie

Sweet Pat

Sweet Lisa

Sweet Katie
P.S. I will add Sweet Cynthia's vignette tonight so check back to see her work.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so Happy for the entire Sweet Team getting such a fantastic new Venue with plenty of space to Style and display your delightful Vignettes that we all enjoy so much! It will make the Shopping Experience so much more enjoyable having all that space to hunt for Found Treasures!

    Dawn... The Bohemian
